Educator • Consultant

Farah's CV is available upon request. Click here to contact her.

When not in production, Farah brings her expertise and experience to the classroom. Coming from a family of teachers and educators, Farah’s belief that the children of today are tomorrow's leaders has led her to work extensively with young minds from the time she was a teenager in India.

Over the past 10 years Farah has designed, developed and facilitated workshops in classrooms throughout New York City through groundbreaking organizations like ENACT, The Leadership Program, and The Shakespeare Society, Waterwell among others.

In addition to teaching acting and performance techniques, Farah facilitates playwrighting workshops as a means to augment literacy and vocabulary within the classroom setting. Farah also uses the art form to cultivate personality development through building social-emotional skills, and violence prevention awareness.  A major part of the work she does with urban youth in New York is Social Emotional Learning, a process through which children learn to recognize and manage their emotions, thereby creating stronger inter-personal relationships, increasing their sense of self-empowerment and ability to make better decisions.

Farah also brings her theater training to her work as a Consultant through drama based training. She has worked with all tiers of seniority, training groups and individuals in

  • Communication Skills
  • Public Speaking
  • Leadership Foundations
  • Feedback Skills Development
  • Diversity & Inclusion Awareness

The contribution of the Performing Arts to my personal and professional life is a constant reminder of the priceless value of the influence and exposure to Arts and Culture for a young, curious mind. Fostering that opportunity with children is a way for me to give back a portion of what it has given me.
— Farah Bala


Farah was part of a volunteer team of Teaching Artists that went to Africa (Tanzania, Rwanda and Cape Town) in July 2012 to do a theater residency with secondary school students through the International Theater and Literacy Project (ITLP). The students wrote their own plays based on their stories and performed it for their school, community, and families and friends. To make a tax-deductible donation to ITLP, please visit